Who is Crescent Moon Nerdlesque?


Greetings, earthlings! 

As we prepare for liftoff with Star Crazy, we're here to answer the question you're all dying to know: Who is Crescent Moon Nerdlesque?

Crescent Moon Nerdlesque is a Chicago-based, pop culture-centered burlesque company founded by femme humans to showcase talented performers of all disciplines. This performance collective is the result of an initial collaboration between frequent colleagues and Kiss Kiss Cabaret alumnae Foxie la Fleur and Minnie Barre, who continue as co-producers along with Harlie HoneyPot, who joined the senior production team in August of 2020 as Casting Directrix.

Crescent Moon began live performances in August of 2018, performing regularly in and around Chicago until December of 2019, during which time they continued to expand their team of performers, roster of venues, and repertoire of pop culture-themed acts (small group, large group, and solo). In addition to their monthly slate of Chicago-based shows, they traveled to the Midwest Nerdlesque Festival as a troupe. In November 2019, they were nominated for Best Dance Troupe in The Chicago Reader's Choice Awards.

After the excitement of 2019, Crescent Moon planned to take a short break to rebrand (and avoid performing during Chicago's coldest months), but then a pandemic swept the world and the entertainment industry was turned on its head! Crescent Moon heard this as a call for reflection and reformation as well as the planned rebrand. That behind-the-scenes work led to their foray into online performance, kicking things off with their wildly successful (and spooky) debut virtual show Witch, Please! A Magickal Eve of the Eve Celebration last October. In December, they quenched thirsty fans everywhere with Saucy at Home: a Burlesque Quarantine Cocktail Ebook, and released a 2021 calendar. Adapting to this virtual climate has been an adventure, but Crescent Moon answered the call!

Through all their adventures, Crescent Moon Nerdlesque aims to create high quality performances that celebrate beloved characters and stories from all fandoms that inspire, engage, and evoke change within ourselves and the world around us.

by Andrea Berting, copywriter for Star Crazy: An Intergalactic Burlesque Adventure

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