Performer Interviews, pt 2!


We're almost ready to board the Galactic Thrustmaster 5000 and travel across space and time to explore your favorite fandoms! Get your tickets now for Star Crazy: An Intergalactic Burlesque Adventure.

In the meantime, we've got an incoming transmission - it's two more of the cosmic cuties who will be featured on our tour!

Foxie la Fleur


IG: @foxie_la_fleur

TW: @foxie_la_fleur


TIKTOK: @foxielafleur

How were you first introduced to burlesque?

Gosh - honestly, I wonder if my first introduction to burlesque was technically Moulin Rouge (the film). But my very first burlesque show was the Kiss Kiss Cabaret (ugh I miss it) when they were at the Greenhouse Theatre (not a venue I endorse, unfortunately). I had bought 2 Groupon tickets for me and my college bestie Olivia to attend and we had a blast! I specifically remember seeing Stella Cheeks' Spock number, and Brad French dressed as the Easter Bunny and he juggled Easter eggs.

Besides Earth, what is your favorite planet in our solar system and why?

I looooove Mars. Like I've been so obsessed with Mars lately, especially because there's so many space exploration goals to get humans on Mars within the next 10 or so years. I just know we are going to see that in our lifetimes, and when it happens I will literally sob.

Do you have a favorite moment in your burlesque career thus far?

That's a hard question because I have so many magical burlesque memories - but I think my favorite memory is performing our Villains act at Midwest Nerdlesque Fest. It was sooooo much fun and such a milestone for me as a producer & choreographer, and for us as a company.

What fictional space vessel would you most want to travel on?

The Galactic Thrust Master 5000 ;) Hahaha - actually, I'd love to travel on Queen Amidala's goooorgeous royal spaceship.

What is the biggest misconception that the general public has about burlesque that you'd like to correct?

The biggest misconception about burlesque that I'd like to correct is that burlesque is literally for everyone (well, every ADULT) - every race, every body shape, every background, every gender. It's an incredible (and political) performance art form that has the capacity to be so deeply relatable while simultaneously allowing performers to create a literal fantasy on stage.

Allie Dente

FB: Allie Dente

IG: @allie_dente

TIKTOK: @allie.dente

How were you first introduced to burlesque?

I was introduced to burlesque via Minnie Barre! We've been friends doing theatre together for years, and we were hanging out one day just sitting on the couch watching spooky movies when she turns to me, looks at me and said, "You should really do burlesque." And the rest was history!

Besides Earth, what is your favorite planet in our solar system and why?

Pluto! Because it's just doing it's best and wants validation like the rest of us.

Do you have a favorite moment in your burlesque career thus far?

Honestly, that'd have to be my debut act. I'll never forget the feeling of the first time I ever performed, and it went so well, and the friends that came out to support me.

What fictional space vessel would you most want to travel on?

Millennium Falcon. Preferably in the pilot's seat. While Han Solo is working.

What is the biggest misconception that the general public has about burlesque that you'd like to correct?

The myth that you have to take your clothes off. You don't! While every body is a burlesque body and nudity should be celebrated, burlesque is the art of the tease, and doesn't have to involve the strip. As a matter of fact, some of the funniest burlesque I've seen has ended with performers still fully clothed!


You'll see more of Foxie and Allie during Star Crazy! Get your tickets now!

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