boldly go where no nerd has gone before

with chicago's nerdiest, knee-slappingest and risque burlesque cabaret

Since August 2018, Crescent Moon Nerdlesque has been serving up all things nerdtastic and fabulous in their highly thematic shows. Ranging from video games to Broadway, these femme-nerds bring polished, high energy, crowd-pleasing performances where ever they go.

In 2019, they were finalists in the Chicago Reader's Best of Chicago Awards for "Best Dance Troupe" and traveled to Kent, Ohio to perform at the Midwest Nerdlesque Festival.

Want our unique, out-of-this-world entertainment showcased in your special event?

Contact us for rates and booking details!

Read more about the company


Bawdy Autonomy

A Fundraiser Show for Planned Parenthood of Illinois

Sunday, August 14th at 2:30pm at Redline VR in Chicago, IL

Live auction and variety cabaret to benefit Planned Parenthood of IL

Tickets start at $20

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Meet the Crescent Moons

The core ensemble that makes all the magic happen - learn more about each individual performer and what makes them stellar!

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